Katamari Web Game


So what do you get when you mix gaming and bored web programmers that want to mess with HTML 5? You get get an improv version of Katamari Damcacy. A certain Alex Leone, David Nufer and David Troung at Katamari Hack have created this little hack complete with how it actually works for those interested. The short of the story is you place the below text in the location bar of a site you are at:

javascript:var i,s,ss=['http://kathack.com/js/kh.js','http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.5.1/jquery.min.js'];for(i=0;i!=ss.length;i++){s=document.createElement('script');s.src=ss[i];document.body.appendChild(s);}void(0);

The turns all the text and images on the page into things that can be grabbed by your Katamari ball. Initially the ball will grab only text, but as it gets larger it will start getting images as well.  The larger the ball the larget the image. Now this does need an HTML 5 browser to work and it works best in Chrome or Firefox 4.  Enjoy you bored gamers you.

Verizon has the iPhone - What a Shocker


So despite not really caring, I feel compelled to announce something you all probably already know by this time.  Verizon has the iPhone 4 as of February 10, 2011.  This is possibly the worst kept secret since the PSPGo a few years ago.

For over a year it has be speculated Verizon would get the iPhone at the start of this year.  Then when they did not say anything at CES last week and scheduled a "mysterious" press conference the week after, it was kinda obvious to everyone.  But now the cat is out of the bag you (that is kind of an odd phrase really) and you can all check it out at Verizon's iPhone Page.  Just a heads up, no it does not use the 4G LTE network that Verizon has spent so much time building and hyping the past few months.

Now for the real question, where the hell is my 4G LTE Andriod phone?  Thunderbolt and Droid Bionic, I am looking your way.

Geeky Gift Giving Ideas

Well that cold nip is back in the air and as we head deeper into this winter season, we start thinking about what to get our more geeky friends and family for Christmas.  I know it's before Thanksgiving right now, but it doesn't hurt to think ahead and beat out some of the holiday rush with some gift giving ideas.  There's only 44 more days till Christmas, so it really isn't that far off.d8 Phone Charm from World of Dice

One gift giving recommendation I have are the interesting dice jewelry products found at World of Dice.  I recently got to meet the owners of this business at this past NDK convention.  I found the jewelry to be very well made with a wide range of colors and dice types.  You can get any of the 100 or so colors of Chessex dice in d4, d6, d8, d10, d12, or d20 die types in almost any of the jewelry products listed!  Talk about variety!

I made a purchase for myself of one of their phone charms.  The charm I picked was a scarlet d8, mostly because I like red and I often have characters that rely on the d8 for the majority of rolls.  As you can see by the picture, it's still going on strong nearly three months later.  I'm still very happy with my purchase as the price was very reasonable for the well made product and there is a lot of variation so everyone's can be a little different.  This would make a great stocking stuffer or group buying gift for your gaming table or general geek culture friends!


Smell Like a Monster?

OK, so everyone has seen the Old Spice commercials rights?  If you have not seen any before, I recommend that you watch this video; it is pretty funny.

Now this post will seem more entertaining.  A spoof to teach children about the word on has been created off this advertisement.  Why is this on a site for video games and anime you may ask?  Because it is freaking entertaining.  What other reason do I need?