This Weeks Geek - Support

Geeks are an odd bunch. We fight with each other constantly about if what we like is as good as we say it is. Sony fan boys will boast that their system is better then the Xbox is.  Xbox fanboys will call the Wii a child's toy.  And a PC gamer will call them all simple minded.  But despite all the infighting, all the forum flame wars, we are one people.  As geeks we support each other in our endeavors, even if we try to prove ourselves superior while we do it.

The inspiration behind This Weeks Geek is the amazing speed that Double Fine Adventures got funded.  Tim Schaffer and his company, Double Fine, decided they wanted to make a classic point and click adventure game.  There was one big issues with this though, Tim Scaffer wanted to make sure he can make the game his way.  He does not want to be held down by what an investor thinks should be in the game.  He did not want to have to work on their schedule to make sure they get a return on their investment.  This left him with one real option, crowd scouring the money. Tim setup a Kickstarter for the game with a goal of (I think at least) $440,000. Eight hours later he was funded.  As of now he has made $1,700,000 for his game. We also have Notch who may be funding Psychonaughts 2. Geeks support geeks.

But support within is not all we care about.  We as a people have heart.  This is seen in both Childs Play and Extra Life. Between these two charities geeks have donated millions of dollars to help kids.  Child's Play is a direct charity to Children's Hospitals world wide and in 2011 earned $3,512,340.  Extra Life on the other hand is a 24 hour gaming marathon.  You get pledges for each hour you play a game.  These pledges are then donated to the Children's Miracle Network. Both of these charities show we care about the world that we are in, and that we want these kids to have a chance to play future games.

So how do you support your fellow gamers?  All the examples I have given are monetary based, but that is not the only way. Do you read forums to provide authentic help to people in need? Do you write actual reviews to let people know which games to buy / avoid?  Sound off on how you help your fellow gamer.

This Weeks Geek - Hobby Overload

Image © Wizards of the CoastEveryone has a hobby or two that they enjoy working on in their spare time. But what happens when you start taking on several time intensive hobbies all at once? That is when you reach hobby overload my friends, and that is the focus of This Weeks Geek.

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Steve Jobs - You Will Be Missed

I do not use a Macintosh computer. I do not have an iPhone or iPad. But that does not mean that I do not appreciate what Apple did to the technology world under Steve Jobs. While an avid Windows user I normally refuse to admit that Apple has done much for me, but they did force innovation. Steve Jobs was the motivation behind this innovation. So RIP Steve, you have left a legacy that has made you immortal.

Apple - Remembering Steve Jobs

Handcrafted Silmarillion

Browsing through the latest Hobbit news, I discovered this little gem.  An art student from Germany has handcrafted a version of The Silmarillion in the style of the medieval illuminated manuscript.  The illustrations and craftsmanship are amazing.  This book is truly one of a kind.

Convention Attendee Reminder

With NDK coming up I felt it importent to remind attendee's of the following:

Image © RK MilhollandJust because it is a weekend of panels, anime, and games from sun up to sun down does not give you an excuse not to bathe.  Please also remember to sleep, eat, and drink water.  No one likes having to go around the EMT's because your dumb ass passed out.  Thank you and enjoy the convention.

Conversations with IrishPride Episode 5

Monkeys, Pigs and iPhones...oh my!
Hello everybody and welcome to episode 5 of Conversations with IrishPride!  Today I'm going to to talk to you about one of the best videos I've come across in a while, Baby Monkey (Going Backwards On A Pig).

First off, the name of the video itself is epic.  Secondly, anything that deals with monkeys is pretty damn awesome.  Third, the song that accompanies the video ties it all together.  When I first saw this video, it was muted and I smiled.  The second time I watched it with sound and I grinned even wider. 
After watching this video, your life will be complete.  I mean come on, it's a baby monkey going Best iPhone game evah?backwards on a pig.  Epic!  If you have already seen this video, I apologize for being late to the party.  But, even if you have seen this video, I do have news about it.  There is now an iPhone game that is based on this video called, you guessed it, Baby Monkey (Going Backwards On A Pig).  Do yourself a favor and pick up BM(GBOAP) for just $0.99, you're life will thank you. 
That will do it for episode 5 of Conversations with IrishPride.  Until next time, good luck getting this song out of your head!


EDIT: So the Embed on the video was removed, head here to check it out on YouTube

So if you cannot tell I am a little excited about the recent Thundercats trailer that has been released. "Coming Soon" to Cartoon Network it is a near complete redo of the original cartoon. While normally this would be a reason for complaint, so far this looks awesome.  It shows what happens when a superior power finds itself out matched with greater technology.  The mix of sword, sorcery, and technology looks great.  Now lets hope the series lives up to the trailer.