Doctor Who - Ladies' 10th Doctor Jacket

Just some interesting news I thought I'd share for those of you who might be thinking of gearing up a costume for Halloween.

Apparently there has been enough demand that BBC has released an official ladies version of the 10th Doctor's Coat through Thinkgeek.  As I have done a gender swapped Doctor before, I find this news quite great! I also find it refershing that they are listening to demand to create official ladies' appareal too; cause not all of us want to go as companions.

This coat has all the works like the men's version, but has been cut to suit a ladies' figure.  This is a quality made product from the item description on the site as well, so it would be a solid coat investment as well as a costume piece.  This lovely item can be yours for the low price of $329.99, so start saving your pennies now.

The Professional Gamer - September 6, 2013

Hello everyone, and welcome to this week's installment of the Professional Gamer. As most of you will know, Monday was Labor Day in the US and Canada. With that extra day off, I actually managed to play some games of both the video and board variety. Read on to find out how my week went.
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The Professional Gamer - August 22, 2013

Hello everyone, and welcome to this week's installment of the Professional Gamer. This week has been rather busy with everything keeping me away from my hobbies. Lots of work to do at home, overtime at the office, and getting ready to farewell some friends have kept me rather busy. Read on to see what I did manage to do.
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