The Professional Gamer - February 6, 2015

Well, I may have had a lot of work to do this week, but I still managed to have a lot of fun this week.  I spent a lot of time with Hyrule Warriors, but also have been re-reading one of my favorite comics and watching a sequel to one of the best animated series from the past 5 years.  All in all, a great week.  Read on to learn the details.

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The Professional Gamer - January 30, 2014

Hello again readers! I had about one week of normal workload, and now I suddenly have five projects to get through in the next four weeks.  I'll be doing some overtime to get it all done, but I this week at least I still had some time to myself.  Read on for my weekly recommendations.

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The Professional Gamer - January 16, 2015

Hey everybody, the bad news this week is that I still ended up spending a huge amount of time working on that design project that I've previously mentioned.  The good news, is that the project drawings are now complete and submitted, so I should have free time this weekend (after I catch up on some of the personal life things, like car maintenance).  Anyways, here's what I was able to cram into my tight schedule this week.

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The Professional Gamer - January 2, 2015

Hello everyone, and welcome to my first post of 2015.  A new year brings new possibilities for geekiness and fun.  And of course, there are the inevitable Christmas presents to enjoy as well.  Also, in spite of the tight schedule on my project, I was able to take a few days off of work and enjoy myself a bit.  What did I do with my time?  Read on to find out.

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The Professional Gamer - December 20, 2014

Hello everyone!  Christmas is only a few days away, and I'm looking forward to having some free time to enjoy some video games and reading.  I'm also looking forward to the end of my current design project.  Soon, I will have free time outside of work and household duties again!  Until then, read about how I'm spending my time to maximize enjoyment out of a very small time budget.

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The Professional Gamer - December 13, 2014

I can definitely feel the approach of Christmas coming, mostly in the fact that I'm becoming so busy with everything beside being geeky.  In addition to the usual holiday business, I'm also finding myself working an extreme amount of overtime in order to get my current design project out on time. However, I'm going to take a few minutes to relate to you how I managed to be a geek during my limited hours of free time.  Read on for my (busy) geeky week.

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The Professional Gamer - December 5, 2014

Hello readers!  I'm still away from home in beautiful Savannah, Georgia.  But that doesn't mean that I'm not going to produce an article for you this week.  Instead, my usual article format will be somewhat subsumed by a postmortem report on my vacation. Read on to learn all about my Savannah vacation!

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The Professional Gamer - November 30, 2014

Hi everyone!  I'm a little late on my article this week due to travel, but I'm looking forward to a great vacation.  I'm writing to you all from Savanah, Georgia, home of our friend, Kit Seaton.  She does some amazing art, especially if you love silent film stars like Buster Keaton, Harold Lloyd, and Charlie Chaplin.  In the meantime, I'm completely confused about what day it is, but planning to enjoy some time where I don't have to work.

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