WereGarurumon from Digimon
He made it all the way to his Ultimate Form, WereGarurumon!

Gameslave Crew
Proteus and ZeldaQueen contemplating what to do now they they have checked in with the press table.

Two Assassins comtemplating the best way to jump off this wall.

Excalibur from Soul Eater
Excalibur finally left that blasted cave.

General Shot of Artists' Alley
General Shot of Artists' Alley.

State Alchemists with Roy Mustang from Full Metal Alchemist
State Alchemists with Roy Mustang from Full Metal Alchemist.

Team Rocket Croonies from Pokémon
Team Rocket Croonies from Pokémon

The Gathers: Servant Grunt from Amnesia the Dark Descent VG
The Gathers: Servant Grunt from Amnesia the Dark Descent VG

Terran Marine from Starcraft
Terran Marine from Starcraft

Terran Marine from Starcraft
Now with Rainbow Dash visor!

Cole MacGrath from inFAMOUS
Well, there is plenty of power for him to stay charged up.

? from Hetalia

Fuhrer King Bradley from Full Metal Alchemist

Momo from Avatar: The Last Airbender

Setsuna Seiei from Gundam 00

Kanta Mizuno "Demon of the Desert" from Desert Punk

Asuka from Neon Genesis Evangelion

Servant Troll? from Homestuck Webcomic

Sailor Pluto from Sailor Moon

Shepard from Mass Effect

Medusa and Eruka from Soul Eater

Spiderman and Deadpool

Porco Rosso and Kiki

Dealer's Room Line out the Door


Victorian styled Poison Ivy

Ed, Al and Lust from Full Metal Alchemist

Law Enforcment Officer?

Raccoon City Officer from Resident Evil

Umbrella Soldiers from Resident Evil

Cloud and Sephiroth from Final Fantasy VII

Cloud and Sephiroth from Final Fantasy VII

Hikaru and Kaoru from Ouran Host Club with Ciel from Black Butler

Wolvarine from X-Men


Joel Robinson and Tom Servo from MST3K

Ash from Evil Dead/Army of Darkness

Babydoll from Sucker Punch

Yoko from Gurran Lagan

Dealer's Room with Funimation Booth

Dealer's Room

Dealer's Room

Dealer's Room

Dealer's Room

Dealer's Room

Funimation Booth

Best Anime Shop Booth

Black and Read Booth

Gimme Anime Booth

Wizzywig Booth
Oh dear lord the snacks sold here!

Rainy Day Anime

Anime Palace Booth

Media Blasters Booth

JPN Toys Booth

400 FPS Booth

Cartoon Passion Booth

Dragon Trading Booth

Dragon Trading Booth

Anime Depot Booth

J House Rock Booth

J House Rock Booth

Orderly Con-goers coming into the Dealer's Room
I honestly expected more chaos.

NDK Board of Directors at Opening Ceremonies

Japanese Consul at Opening Ceremonies

The Doctor presenting Chris Cason at Opening Ceremonies

The Doctor presenting Leah Clark at Opening Ceremonies

Director Jeremy preseting Cynthia Cranz at Opening Ceremonies

Director Jeremy preseting Clarine Harp at Opening Ceremonies

Chuck Huber, Voice Actor at Opening Ceremonies

Director Jeremy preseting Laura Landa at Opening Ceremonies

Director Jeremy preseting Randy Milholland at Opening Ceremonies

Director Jeremy preseting Brina Palencia at Opening Ceremonies

Director Jeremy preseting Wendy Powell at Opening Ceremonies

Patrick Seitz, Voice Actor at Opening Ceremonies

Director Jeremy preseting J. Michael Tatum at Opening Ceremonies

Robotech Guests

Lolita Dark at Opening Ceremonies

Osamu Kobayashi at Opening Ceremonies

Masao Maruyama at Opening Ceremonies

J. Michael Tatum Interview


Robin and Ms Martian

Morrigan and Jedah Dohma from Darkstalkers

Four Swords Links

Zukko, Momo, Katara and Appa from Avatar: The Last Airbender


The 11th Doctor

Crowded Hallways

Lolita Dark Concert

Lolita Dark Concert

Lolita Dark Concert

Lolita Dark Concert

Lolita Dark Concert

Lolita Dark Concert

Lolita Dark Concert

Mr. & Mrs. Cakes & Twins with Pinkie Pie from My Little Ponly: FIM

Patrick Seitz Panel

Lolita Dark Concert

Lolita Dark Concert

Randy Milholland and Clarine Harp

Asari from Mass Effect

102-img_1018 - copy.jpg
What is most irritating about this picture is I asked what they were from and now have lost the note that had it.

Link from the Legend of Zelda

Crowd Control

Nauta from FLCL

Staff Wizard

Halloween Town Atrium Room Contest


Houmunculi from Full Metal Alchemist in Atrium Room Contest


Before There Was Touhou Panel
Before There Was Touhou: A History of Scrolling Shooter Games Panel

Protoman from Megaman

Princess Celestia, the 11th Doctor and little Rainbow Dash

Pinkie Pie from My Little Pony: FIM

Dr. Stein from Soul Eater

Boba Fett from Star Wars

Utena from Revolutionary Girl Utena







Fi from The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

Midna and Link from the Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess




Sailor Senshi from Sailor Moon


Dr. McNinja and ?? from Dr. McNinja webcomic

d4 dice earrings from World of Dice



Ouran High School Host Club Members

The Legend of Zelda in Atrium Room Contest

Journey in Atrium Room Contest

No Face from Spirited Away

Ciel and Sebastian from Black Butler

America from Hetalia


Toph Beifong in Metal-bender Officer Outfit from The Legendof Korra

Tenzin and Korra from the Legend of Korra

Video Game Room

Video Game Room

Video Game Room


Blair from Soul Eater


Alice from Amercian McGee's Alice

Queen Nehellinia & Queen Serenity from Sailor Moon

Queen Nehellinia & Queen Serenity from Sailor Moon




Terra and Kefka from Final Fantasy VI

Terra and Kefka from Final Fantasy VI

Terra and Kefka from Final Fantasy VI

Terra and Kefka from Final Fantasy VI

Juliet Starling from Lollipop Chainsaw
Zombies beware her chainsaw.


Appa and a very large Pabu
Two of the animal mascots meet at last.


The Manga Cook Book