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Our first site of E3, a Crysis 2 Banner.

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Who can resist Fallout, really?

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We where not really sure what this one said until we got this picture on the computer.

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The main worry of the whole trip, Lakers Fans.

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The main entrance is in site.

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The Virgin money box, we were 1/2 way through the glass when we found out it was fake.

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Proving gamers never actually sleep, NOS was being handed out right and left.

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APB - You are going to notice many cars this year.

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See, another car picture.

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Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II was the first thing we actually saw.

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We moved closer.

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Do you really need a caption for this one?

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NSFV (Not Safe for Vegans)

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The Sims goes green with a plug in Hybrid.

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A custom Prius for Sims 3, now downloadable in game.

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Another NOS car, or the same one. DUN DUN DUNNNN

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Can you figure out what this says?

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A better view of the Crysis banner.

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The entry of the South hall.

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Zombies and Plants, the ultimate battle.

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APB suicide girls, with two dudes standing in the way.

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A better look at the APB suicide girls.

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Dude in the background checking out the APB girls.

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AR.Drone, you control it with your iPhone / iPod Touch.

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First statue we saw entering E3.

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Assimilator creating his Lego man in "Lego Universe".

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Life size Harry Potter legos.

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Some gents playing Jeopardy or should I say "What is Jeopardy."

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Assimilator with a Fire Nation soldier, aka the really bad guys, from Avatar: The Last Airbender.

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Gamers playing "Vanquish" next to the soldier from said game.

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Closer look at the "Vanquish" soldier.

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The new XBOX 360 Slim.

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People who got to attend the Microsoft presentation (media, press) got one of these beautiful systems for free. Sadly, Assimilator and I did not have the proper clearance for media related presentations, hopefully next year...

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"Forza Motorsport 3" Ferrari.

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"Assassin's Creed Brotherhood"

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Assimilator and I were both commenting on how well this picture turned out. Looks like an actual poster, pretty sweet.

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"Assassins Creed Brotherhood" demo. Single player game is looking really good.

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"End of Nations" & "Rift" demo booth.

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Random dude standing with the "End of Nations" booth babes. Ahh man, IrishPride wants his picture taken with the EoN babes......

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Yay!! I got my picture taken with them! They look like Amazon women standing next to me!!

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The guy from "Global Agenda" didn't really look like he wanted to be there.

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Quick screenshot of the F2P hack and slash game "Vindictus."

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Harvest Moon setup, here you go ZeldaQueen, just for you.

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30 years old and still looking good!

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E3 floor.

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"Dues Ex: Human Evolution" display. Was disappointed that there was nothing else for this game.

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Assassins Creed figurine.

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Solid Snake figurine 1.

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Solid Snake figurine 2.

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Final Fantasy figurines 1.

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Final Fantasy figurines 2.

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Bleach figurines.

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Final Fantasy figurines 3.

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E3 floor.

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UFC octagon ring.

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Another view of the UFC octagon ring demo station (for a game that is already released).

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Eye candy courtesy of IrishPride.

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See above description.

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Some poor sap getting ready to be dismembered.

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Space Marine display.

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Another view of the Warhammer display.

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Huge statue of something from "Red Faction: Armageddon"

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See above.

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Entrance to one of the best demo's in E3, "Mortal Kombat."

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Cool life size statue of Big Daddy and Little Sister.

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Big Daddy being all big and daddy like...

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Little sister being little and sister like...

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Assimilator pwning the "Adrenalin Misfits" kinect demo.

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Assimilator owning the "Adrenalin Misfits" kinect demo.

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Proof that Assimilator owned the "Adrenalin Misfits" demo.

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Pregnant Alma was scary as hell, she played her part very well.

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Don't let the picture fool you, IrishPride was scared shitless of pregnant Alma there.

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Disney floor, literally it's the floor at the disney booth.

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THQ is throwing money at Homefront, there were displays everywhere for that game.

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'Dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun'

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Day 1 E3 swag.

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The official Gameslave lego guys. On the right is Assimilator and left IrishPride, notice the green and his 'special' helment.