The Gameslave Podcast - Episode 82
/So I found the glich that kept ruining episodes. And with that I give you the next episode of our podcast.
Show notes can be found as follows: NOTES!
So I found the glich that kept ruining episodes. And with that I give you the next episode of our podcast.
Show notes can be found as follows: NOTES!
Ok, I really need to find out why I cannot get my recordings to work reliably. But instead of coping out again I decided to try and cover everything we talked about during the recording. So with that, I give you The Gameslave Podcast Episode 81.
The Gameslave Podcast Episide 80 has come to pass. We are still experimenting with recording techniques, and with getting non-squeky chairs, but I think things are improving.
The Gameslave Podcast Epidsode 79 lives, although a tad shorter then average.
Notes can be found here.
Alright, the second go worked great, and if it continues to work I think this is how we will record in the future. Changed to a directional mic and it has really cut out the echo. So next week when hopefully all three of us are together again we will hopefully have a new age of Gameslave podcasts!
Notes can be found here...
So we tried something new with the podcast, and it did not turn out well. A sample of what could have been is in the download, but I felt it better not to subject someone to whole podcast of it.
The three of us return this week with a new podcast. We had a lot to talk about, but we did get attacked by the diabolical squeaky chair, it still works though. And remember there is a contest in this podcast.
So apparently Audacity hates me and wants to be replaced as what we use to record the podcast. So all the talk of video games was lost, so you only get Anime today. Next time we will be do better, I promise.
The show notes as normal can be found here.
E3 has come and gone and we have seen a great many things, now we shall recount what we can remember. Note to self, tell Proteus not to eat ice while we record.
As usual the notes for the week can be found here.
E3 is just around the corner. What are we going to see there, what are we going to do? We are going to report it all to you great people! This is a short podcast in preperation for E3 and and little talking about Rift. Keep an eye on @TheGameslave for updates and see you all soon.
I don't really have notes for this show, but you can head to the podcast page if you want to anyway. It is here.