The Gameslave Podcast - Episode 114
/Denver has had its first Comic Con. So what did I think of it? That is the main purpose of these weeks podcast.
Denver has had its first Comic Con. So what did I think of it? That is the main purpose of these weeks podcast.
E3 has come and gone. I have now placed my thougths and experiances of the show into podcast form, so stay awhile and listen.
E3 Special
The before E3 podcast. We try to say on subject on what games we want to see at E3 this year.
My apologies, but I am a few days late on this podcast (story of my life). But I have manged to get the podcast edited and posted.
Just has promised, all three of us in one room. This time we are covering a listener request, something we will do more oftern if we get more requests.
Notes, per usual, are here.
This week I am solo, so I am going to put off the topic requests from V (Podcast 107 comment) till next week, but I promise we will get to them. There are some great ideas there.
We managed to pull together and do another podcast. This one we had a hard time focusing though and kept going on tangets, sorry about that.
So Easter prevented us from recording last week, but not so this week!
Notes are yonder.
Welcome to the first April episode of The Gameslave podcast. We actually recorded this on April Fools, so that is the bulk of the content the podcast is about.
Sorry about last week, but I return with some news, some games, and some ramblings. Hope you like it.
Notes, as normal, can be found at the Podcast page.