Angry Birds - Why it all really started

Angry Birds, it is a story of Birds versus the Pigs that stole their eggs.  But is there more to it?  Is there a deeper connection than one minute the eggs are in the nest the in the next they are gone?  NO!  But the kidnapping was done in a much more evil fashion.  Below you will find a motion comic created to show the true beginning of the hatred the birds hold.


The Gameslave Podcast - Episode 72

I have successfully completed another episode of The Gameslave Podcast. I talk of OnLive giving stuff away, Blizzard donations and Angry Birds. And apparently I started making up words during part of the podcast and had some very poor grammar skills, please forgive (or not). Also there is no PSN talk in this podcast, I am tired of it by now.

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The Gameslave Podcast - Episode 65

Happy St Patricks Day everyone. Ok, I am a day early, but most of you will see his on 03/17 or later anyway so cut me some slack. And while I may not bring the gift of beer, I do have episode 65 of the Gameslave Podcast.

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Angry Bird IRL with IKEA

Have you every wanted to destroy IKEA furniture while having the simbalance of playing a video game? Well you are not alone in this as it is exactly what Conan did on 03/03/2011.  And while he might have cheated by using the same bird twice, it is still looked like a a lot of fun.

Want to know where you can play Angry Birds? Grap your iPhone / Android and download it from their marketplaces.