The Professional Gamer - November 7, 2014

Hello everyone! I'm back from Calgary and really happy to have more than 10 hours of daylight again.  On the other hand, I was enjoying the coffee and treats at Tim Horton's.  Regardless, I spent a good amount of time away from home this week, so I couldn't spend much time playing Hyrule Warriors.  Instead, I spent some time reading and playing Bravely Default.  Read on to learn more about the rest of my geeky week.

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The Professional Gamer - October 31, 2014

Hello and Happy Halloween!  I hope everyone had a great night with an appropriate amount of treats(whatever you deem that to be) and not too many tricks.  I spent the week leading up to the holiday enjoying some relatively recent anime and video games.  I'm also preparing for my first business trip, which has been a bit stressful, mostly in terms of ensuring that all of my projects are wrapped up before I leave.  However, I still managed to spend some time in fun pursuits.

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The Professional Gamer - October 17, 2014

I spent almost all of my free time this week with the new shiny game.  And then, I found one of my guilty pleasures on Netflix.  That was most of my week, but to those paying attention to cultural happenings in our world of geekiness, there has been rather a large to do regarding video games.  I've been reluctant to put out my thoughts on the subject, since many other better writers and thinkers have already done so much, but this has come to a head in such a way that most of the reading time was spent on blogs and news sites rather than pleasure reading.  Please click through to read the rest of the article.

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In Review: "Proof - The Science of Booze"

Our relationship with alcohol goes back deep into our history as a species; many anthropologists speculate that the desire to create fermented beverages initiated the development of agriculture and the rise of civilization.  In his book Proof : The Science of Booze, author Adam Rogers examines our relationship with alcohol from several varied perspectives.  Domestication of yeast, developing the process of distillation, cultivation of fermentables, how we get drunk, and why we feel so bad the day after are all topics that Rogers examines in his book.

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The Professional Gamer - September 26, 2014

Hello everyone! I've been hard at work preparing our interviews and panel recordings from NDK for your listening pleasure.  I hope that you have enjoyed them.  Despite how busy I've been working with those audio files, I've still managed to spend some time having fun.  Read on to see how I spent my precious time.

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The Professional Gamer - September 19, 2014

Nan Desu Kan provided a very busy weekend of geeky activity.  We have already posted some of our photos and the first of our interviews.  Watch this space for additional interviews, articles, and panel recordings.  For this week's article, I'm going to concentrate on my geeky life outside of the convention world.

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