The Professional Gamer - October 5, 2019

The Professional Gamer - October 5, 2019

Man, this was really a week where I didn’t get to do much. For reasons unknown to me, the last episode of Astra: Lost in Space wasn’t posted. I finished this season of Dan Machi (Is It Wrong to Pick Up Girls at the Dungeon) and, honestly not impressed. I never thought it was really a great series or anything, but it was at least fun with some interesting battles and effects and things. But honestly, the plot, characters, and worldbuilding all left things to be desired. I did watch another episode of Cop Craft. It’s still a lot of fun, but I think I can see the end of the budget. The series is almost over, and I think the conclusion is going to be good. It feels like it from the distance of a few episodes at least.

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The Professional Gamer - August 30, 2019

The Professional Gamer - August 30, 2019

Wow, I’ve had a busy but very fun week here. After all, last weekend was Nan Desu Kan, so I have a huge pile of audio to work through and post to the post feed. Speaking of podcasts, I posted two new episodes already this week. Did you catch them? Other than that, my Tuesday night dinner group has decided to start watching old anime. For each of us, there are several shows that we didn’t watch when they originally aired. In each case, at least one other person in the group would insist that the show was essential. And, I’ve been making some effort to get back into seasonal anime. So, let’s talk about some anime, eh?

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The Professional Gamer - August 19, 2019

The Professional Gamer - August 19, 2019

Hey everyone, I'm at Fort Collins Comic Con this weekend, helping Crystal sell some art. I’ve been a bit busy watching the table, talking with attendees, and hanging out with other artists after hours. So, my post this week is going to be a little bit shorter than usual. FCCC has been lots of fun. Pretty relaxed, but getting to see some people who have bought stuff from Crystal before and are purposefully coming to see what new things she has to offer. And, of course, lots of folks who are excited about D&D and who love to swap stories.

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The Professional Gamer - August 12, 2019

Hi folks! I had a great vacation and was back ready to work. Then promptly got smashed by all the work waiting for me when I got back to the office on Tuesday. It’s been a long week. And, on top of that I forgot to get the podcast episodes set to autopost to the main feed the way I had intended. So, I’m a week behind posting the podcasts now, even though I went through the effort of editing them. Anyways, you can start listening them now. Now then, what have I been doing? Lots of little things I guess. Let’s start.

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The Professional Gamer - July 19, 2019

Sorry about that late post last week: I was having trouble with Twitter plugin for Squarespace (now resolved), and just not been able to find the time to get things fixed and posted. And, of course that means that I haven’t had a lot of time to do fun things either. Instead, I was traveling for work, and then having meetings in several evenings. What did I actually do for fun this week? Played some D&D and finished watching Good Omens. Oh, and a little bit of watching Crystal play Dragon Quest Builders 2. Let’s talk about all of those things.

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The Professional Gamer - July 12, 2019

Hi all, hope you all had another good week. I spent some time this week with my friends on Deep Space Nine, but didn’t have a lot of time to do much else. I spent a lot of my free time this week catching up on weeding my garden and lawn. I had rather neglected things earlier this year. But, I know that isn’t going to be vary interesting to you, so we’ll talk about Star Trek instead. Of course, Dragon Quest Builders 2 came out on Friday, and while I’m not playing it myself, I have spent some time watching Crystal get started with it. So, maybe I can talk about that a bit too.

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The Professional Gamer - July 1, 2019

I had a bit of a stressful week with working, trying to get lots of reports out the door. But now it is the weekend, and I’m going to have some time to enjoy myself again. And by enjoy myself, I mean play a whole load of D&D. I did have some time during the week to have a little bit of fun during the evenings too. Mostly its been playing some Elite: Dangerous, continuing watching Deep Space Nine and starting out with the first few episodes of Good Omens. So, let’s talk about those things in that order.

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