Building a PS3

The prototype PS3, as you can see, was a little too big to fit in homes.  Be glad that they shrunk the original version to the size that they did.  

This building in Osaka, Japan represents what the Playstation could have been (probably not).  But imagine if a PS3 was really this size?  Would we have to travel to the central PS3 hub and connect our TV's to it, or would we have dedicated Playstation cables setup like city utilities?

Source: Damnlag

StarCraft 2 - 1 Million Copies in 1 Day


You read that right.  StartCraft 2 managed to sell 1 Million copies in its first day.  Sure the second day was only a measly 500,000 copies, but that still makes it the fastest selling strategy game in history.  These numbers include releases across five continents and eleven different languages. 

I think this means that Blizzard is officially trying to steal the souls of the entire world.  Heaven help us when Diablo 3 is released.

Source: Press Release

E3 - The Final Day

E3 – The Final Day Wow, has it been three days already? More pictures were taken, more demos were played, and more swag was had. The events that took place seem almost too much for words. But we will try our best for you. Things started off for us back at the Nintendo booth where we immediately lined up for Zelda, and it was even the correct line this time.
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