The Gameslave Podcast - Episode 187
/Welcome back for episode 187 of The Gameslave Podcast. This week we talk of games and anime. Pretty much a stable here at The Gameslave.
Welcome back for episode 187 of The Gameslave Podcast. This week we talk of games and anime. Pretty much a stable here at The Gameslave.
Meet the EnemyWe once again return to the world of Thedas in Bioware’s next installment of the Dragon Age series. For those not familiar with the Dragon Age series, it takes place in the world of Thedas where, due to the misuse of magic, the “Maker” has turned his back on the world. Those that caused this were turned into “Darkspawn”, evil creatures without souls that destroy everything in their path and live mostly underground. Once every few hundred or thousand years, the Darkspawn gather together into a large horde and assault the surface under the command of an “Arch Demon”, an ancient and powerful “Old God” that has been corrupted by the Darkspawn.