EarthBound Lives!
/That is correct ladies and gentleman! If you will so kindly turn your attention to your Wii U eShop then you will find, for the low price of $9.99, EarthBound. After the long, long, long wait your hopes and dreams of come true!
Are you already on your Wii U downloading it? Then there is no point to me typing this huh? Can't say I fault you; Enjoy!
The Professional Gamer - July 13, 2013
/The Last of Us - Review
/The Need for Anit-Harassement Policies
/While browsing through my RSS feeds today, I came upon this great article about cons and harassment. Before you read the rest of my comments, have a look at the original article on Here's a brief excerpt of one of the key points:
Conventions need anti-harassment policies. Not because convention attendees are disproportionately boorish or creepy–they’re really not–or because of social obliviousness. Rather, the difficulty lies in the very thing that makes conventions conventions: the social phenomena that come into play whenever humans gather in large groups.
I have to agree with the author whole-heartedly. I have not personally been a victim of harassment at a convention, but have been witness to various creephats. When I was in that situation, I behaved much as Ms. Edidin described. Because there was not a well worded anti-harassment policy, I did not feel either empowered or obligated to bring the offensive behavior to the attention of convention staff.
I know that I will be contacting the conventions that I regularly attend to ask if they can update their anti-harassment policies to include both the bans on harassement and the appropriate response from witness. What are your thoughts? Share you comments or stories in the comments section below.
Xbox One GPU Clock Speed Increase, RAM Upgrade
Microsoft has been willing to act quickly on the feedback that they were given for the Xbox One. When people were getting upset and angry about the DRM polices and the internet connection policy, Microsoft dropped the policies for both and promise for a more open system. Now that is out the way there is one major issue that the PS4 has over the Xbox One and that my friends is the hardware specs... Let’s Talk
The Gameslave Podcast - Episode 154
/This week we started a series of nostalgia based series where we talk about the previous generations of games. Special guests Rockies Magic Number and Rampage join us to talk about the NES (8 Bit era)
The Professional Gamer - July 5, 2013
/The Gameslave Podcast - Episode 153
/The summer game news drought is upon us. Can the Gameslave crew survive the perilous desert crossing? With some old games and new comics in our bags, the odds are looking pretty good.
Watch Dogs - E3 Demo
/Out of all the games that were showcased at E3 2013, the one that I was looking forward to the most was Watch Dogs. My friend and I waited in line for the live demo for a total of three hours. Was the wait worth it? Most people would say no, but I left the demo with more excitement to purchase the final version.