The Professional Gamer - July 19, 2013

Image by Associated PressHappy Friday readers! We've made it through another week.  What have I been doing to pass my time?  I'm glad you asked.  This week I again found myself watching, playing, and reading through some geeky things.  In light of that, I'm going to try out a new format this week.  If you like what you see, leave a comment below.
This week, ZeldaQueen and I continued watching The Devil is a Part-Timer on Hulu.  The show is a fun take on the juxtaposition of RPG stereotypes into the modern world.  Hulu currently has 13 subtitled episodes, so its not a large time commitment to watch.  I also discovered that the PBS program Nova Science Now is also available on Hulu.  I spent last night enjoying Neil DeGrasse Tyson's antics, and learning about some of the recent advances in science.  I just wish that I had found out about this sooner.
A major achievement this week in Final Fantasy! My characters met the dragon king, Bahamut and have been granted the powers of advanced classes (i.e. Fighter is now a Knight and my Mages are Wizards).  I have not had much chance to play on since then, but should be able to try out my improved characters soon.
I'm continuing to read Letters to a Young Scientist.  As I have progressed further through the book, I've felt my passion for learning and science kindle once more; however, in my current situation, I'm not certain what I can do.  Perhaps I should go back to my half prepared article manuscripts, finish something, and send it off to a journal.


That's all for this week. Join me again next week for the further tales of the Professional Gamer.