Worst Game of 2011

2011 gave the gaming community some really great games.  Too bad where there is light, there is darkness.  This means we had some really bad games come out this year as well, and these games cannot be ignored.  So let me give your our nominees for the worst game of 2011:

Duke Nukem: Forever
X-Men: Destiny
Thor: God of Thunder

Let's not even pretend we are going to think this over. The worse game of 2011 goes to Duke Nukem: Forever.  The thing about this game, Gearbox knew it was bad when they released it.  But after 12 years they decided to just let it out there.  Had this game been released 10 years ago it may have been only the 3rd or 4th worse game of the year.  But with the Duke Nukem's view of women, the horrible one liners and innuendos mixed with gameplay that has not been fresh for over a decade; there is just no excuse for this game.  It just sucks.