Quantum DLC

Square Enix has announced the two promised DLC packs for Quantum Conundrum. The first DLC title "The Desmond Debacle" will be released first on Steam starting 07/31/2012, then PSN on 08/14/2012 and finally XBLA on 08/15/2012. In this DLC you will be tasked with solving puzzles created by Desmond the drinking bird in a new section of Quadrangle Manor. How a drinking bird managed to create puzzles I have no clue, but this was an invention by Professor Quadrangle. It will run about $2.99 or 250 Microsoft Points.







The second DLC pack that will available on Steam starting 08/28/2012, PSN 09/11/2012, and XBLA 09/12/2012 will the "IKE-aramba!". In this you must once again embark on a rescue mission, but this time for IKE (Interdimensional Kinetic Entity) instead of your uncle. Not sure how a creature that can jump from one dimension to another gets trapped, but we can probably blame the professor again on this one. Just the the other DLC it will run $2.99 or 240 Microsoft points.