Geek Gifts - Updated!
/The holidays are here and that means it is time to get your favorite geeks something to show your undying love. And whether they be your husband, wife, friend or favorite blogger there are tons of cool things out there that anyone would love to have.

Dice are pretty traditional. You have a polyhedron that (typically) has 4 - 20 sides. CritSuccess re-invents the die as something wearable but usable, and then gives us tools we never would have asked for but will gladly use. Sure they have normal dice like the D20, but they also have 3D6, Life Counters, Rock Paper Scissors, Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock and more. Check them out at for the full line.

World of Dice
Yes, more dice! You can never have too many dice or dice related accessories, and World of Dice takes that to a wonderful new level. They have made dice into key chains, charms, necklaces, earrings, cufflinks and tie bars. When you place your order you get to choose from 133 different dice designs and some of these will have the option to be usable in game. Recently they have even created custom Doctor Who Dice (Tardis and Dalek) and expanded their "Critically Awesome Buttons". To check out everything head to and look around.

The Gameslave
Sometimes you don't want the wearable, you want something to display. And while this may look like a shameless plug, The Gameslave offers artwork and LED displays that you cannot find anywhere else thanks to the custom art work of Crystal McDowell. You can find our store at that includes Nintendo and Doctor Who themed items with more coming soon(ish).
Rabbit Tales
Do you know a My Little Pony fan? Then Rabbit Tales is the place for you. They have a number of Pony patches, ears for cosplay, coffee cup sleeves, and a few necklaces. Everything is hand made (if you count the sewing machine) and is of top quality. Even if you are not a pony fan they have a few things that may appeal to you, like the "I Can Fix It!" or S.H.I.E.L.D. agent patch. Their store may seem sparse now, but they are quickly adding more to the site, so check back often. The store can be found at and updates on what is coming up can be found on their Facebook page.

Loot Crate
Don't know what to get your geeky friend at all, but don't want to get something as impersonal as a gift card? How about a subscription to Loot Crate then? Once a month the geek of your choice will get sent a themed box filled with random geeky toys, some of which will only be available in these crates and no where else. They have 1 month, 3 month, and 6 month subscription options and if you order now you will get it right around Christmas since they ship around the 20th of each month. Want to see what was in past Loot Crates to get an idea of what your lucky recipient may get? Then check out our boxing videos from the past few months. Looks cool huh? You can subscribe here and start the looting!
And that is all for now, but I welcome more ideas to add to this list, and will add more as I find it up until the Christmas is over.