Overwatch Annouced

For the first time in 17 years Blizzard announced their first actual new franchise, Overwatch. A game set 60 years in the future and 30 years after a robot uprising. When the robot uprising over whelmed individual government armies they formed the world wide peacekeeping force, Overwatch. Here is the trailer to set the stage.

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Hearthstone Expansion: Goblins vs Gnomes

Hearthstone Expansion: Goblins vs Gnomes

Do you like card games? Do you like World of Warcraft? Then chances are you have played Hearthstone. Then there is great news for you! Blizzard announced at Blizzcon today they first actual expansion to the popular virtual card game, Goblins vs Gnomes. Looks like we will get all sorts of mechanical contraptions to add to our decks. There are cards such as the the Unstable Portal, Dr. Boom, and Explosive Sheep.

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Blizzcon Delayed

Conventions apparently are really expensive. First you have to pay someone to do the planning, then pay for a location, and then get and pay staff to manage it. The cost and time it takes to make a good convention can add up pretty quickly and even the money printing press that is Blizzard has a budget.  Taking this into account, Blizzard has done something that they are very good at with their games; they've delayed the next BlizzCon.  They've delayed it in order to devote more time to and resources to Diablo III, Starcraft II: Heart of the Swarm, and World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria. Blizzard has decided to hold the next BlizzCon in 2013.

Personally I cannot fault them for this. They have a lot of games on their plate and I have never really given thought to going to BlizzCon anyway. What this convention delay means for me is that I will get Diablo III sooner as they can use the resources from the convention to finish it and their other upcoming games.

I can already hear some people that are disappointed about the lack of Blizzard related tournaments due to this delay. Well there is good news for you. Blizzard is going to host a 2012 Battle.net World Championship in Asia later this year. Ok, so it's not too good for American gamers since it is not held within the country and it will be much more expensive to go compete in Asia then L.A., but at least it is something.

It Pays to Pay Attention

So you may have heard of the kid that informed the Blizzard staff at BlizzCon that they are neglecting their own cannon by letting them know they have left out a key character out of the Wildhammer Clan.  No?  You don't know him.  Well watch this video then.



Ok, you are all caught up then.  Well Blizzard has formed an official reponse to this guy.  They added him to the game.  He is now the Wildhammer Fact Checker.  Wearing the red shirt next to the man he said did not exist, which was true until now.  So I guess if you want to get your own NPC in a Blizzard game you need to call them out in what will turn out to be a viral video.

Also if you feel like mocking this guy for the voice he used.  Check out the response video he posted.