Hardcore Gamer vs Casual Gamer - A New Definition

What does it mean to be a gamer in this day and age?  In the past to be a gamer you just had to play video games.  This was when being a gamer required you to either have a home console or PC and play either solo or have friends come over.  If you were a PC gamer it also meant you knew a thing or two about computers.  If a game was online, it took effort.  But soon gaming has became accessible and wide spread.  Now the fact that a gamer was just someone that played games, the term needed a division for clarification.  Those that had been playing games when the hobby was difficult needed a way to make themselves seem special to all the newer players, so they termed the gamers that played easy games; games that take little to no skill; as casual gamers and the original gamers then labeled themselves hardcore gamers.  This title  gave them a sense of pride and arrogance over the newcomers to the gaming world, but it has been awhile since these terms were created and just as gaming has evolved, these terms need to evolve as well.

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Hardcore Gamer vs Casual Gamer - A New Definition

What does it mean to be a gamer in this day and age?  In the past to be a gamer you just had to play video games.  This was when being a gamer required you to either have a home console or PC and play either solo or have friends come over.  If you were a PC gamer it meant you knew a thing or two about a computer.  If a gamer was online, it took effort.  But soon gaming became accessible and it spread.  Now the fact that a gamer was someone that played games needed a division.  Those that had been playing games when the hobby was difficult needed a way to make themselves seems special.  So they termed the gamers that played the easy games; games that take little to no skill; as casual gamers.  The original gamers took the term hardcore gamer.  This gave them a since of pride and arrogance over the new gamers.  But it has been a long time since these terms were created.  And as gaming has evolved, these terms need to evolve as well.
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