The Pull List - Iron Man 3
Where to start. Honestly I could probably spend the next several days (over which I could watch the movie another couple of times) picking apart the various references to bits and pieces of the movie that were once part of the mainline Marvel Universe (616). I probably shouldn’t though, might be bad for my blood pressure. So I won’t. Only thing I will mention referring to the comics is the script is loosely based on Iron Man, Volume 4, Issues 1-6, published starting in January 2005, written by Warren Ellis. It is available in trade paperback form, and, last I looked, available on Netflix on demand in motion comic form if you don’t feel like dropping the 20 bucks getting it in dead tree form. Check it out, probably ranks up there with “Demon in a Bottle” as one of the better Iron Man stories in print. If you're already familiar with the comics, take a little bit of advice. For the runtime of the movie, forget everything you know about Iron Man except what you have learned from movies 1, 2 and the Avengers. You’ll feel better that way. Okay, felt good to get that off my chest. On to the movie.