FUNimation SOLD!

Some people are saying that anime in the states is dying; that fan subs are making it unprofitable. Try telling that to Gen Fukunaga and a group of investors that have recently purchased FUNimation Entertainment from Navarre Coporation recently for $24 million cash. And you cannot even say that Fukunaga-sama has no clue what he is getting into. The man is the founder, president and CEO of the blasted company.

So what exactly does this mean to me, the consumer? It means the company is going no where and you can expect distribution to happen just as it has in the past. Even though Navarre has sold the company they are still going to act as the sole distributer state side. They are also going to act as FUNimations logistics and fulfillment services provider.  Want more information on the sale?  Continue reading after the jump for the press release.

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