Deadpool 2 Teaser Trailer Released with some Bob Ross Love
/The teaser trailer for Deadpool 2 is out. And like all things in Deadpool's life, it starts rather unconventionally.
The teaser trailer for Deadpool 2 is out. And like all things in Deadpool's life, it starts rather unconventionally.
What do you get when you toss some of the worst people in the DC Universe together? You get what could be the most interesting movie from the DC franchise in a while. For the most part the DC movies have been serious affairs where the idea of a joke is a foreign concept and the campiness that makes comics so endearing is lost. That appears to not be the case in this most recent Suicide Squad trailer. Take a look:
Not bad huh? And Bohemian Rhapsody just seemed perfect for this crew of misfits. Now the main question, will this trailer end up being better then the movie? Guess we find out in August.
Some how I missed the memo on the new Star Trek movie coming out this summer. I don't know how I managed it, but none the less it is coming, and it even has a teaser trailer!
I know I am posting this a tad late (understatement of the week). But Fallout 4 was announced! There is even a rumor that it will come this year! While I honestly didn't play Fallout: New Vegas I loved Fallout 3. And I love the fact that Dogmeat will continue to make an appearance as a companion. Of the few NPCS that you will lose hours of progress to if he dies.
After being outed by Amazon UK (nice job guys) NetherRealm Studios has released an announcement trailer for Mortal Kombat X. Could this have gone smoother? Sure, it could have waited one freaking week to happen at E3, probably like they planed. But seeing how the cat is out of the bag, here it is. By the way, if you are squeamish or don't want to have young children see violence usually saved for HBO and Game of Thrones, you may want to hold off on watching this.
It has been a long (very long) wait, but Watch Dogs is almost upon us (May 27th on PS4, PS3, Xbox One, Xbox 360 and PC). As such Ubisoft has been releasing new trailer upon new trailer. To make up for my lack of posting them, here is a play list of all the Watch Dogs trailers, starting with the most recent, Watch Dogs - 101 Trailer_.
At the E3 2013 Sony Press conference there was a trailer that showed, what I believe to have been, werewolves attacking an armed carriage. Well I have not seen much since then, and today I notice there is a new trailer. It talks about the The Orders' age (a bit) and its long standing mission. It talks about the new world and challenges it finds itself it. I could go on, but why? Here is the trailer. Enjoy.
So I am a big can of the inFAMOUS games, and as such I feel that I have been neglecting news on Second Son. It comes out in just under a month for the PS4. And we have mostly seen the cool smoke / fire powers that our protagonist, Delsin Rowe, has. But what is a good inFAMOUS game without options. And with that in mind they have provided us the Neon power. And it looks amazing.